How Can You Become a Councillor?

Been wondering what’s involved in being a councillor?

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What Does It Really Mean To Be A Parish Councillor?

There are two things all Councillors have to be ready to take on board:

  • A sense of wanting to help develop the Parish to the benefit of Parishioners
  • Giving up some time

However, becoming a Parish Councillor should not be regarded as daunting. You are joining a group of people who, in their different ways, have taken on board these two commitments. Existing Councillors are genuinely very willing to help new Councillors understand the various processes and rules that inevitably go with this statutory duty.

While Councillors may occasionally (and rightly) have differing views, meetings and discussions are always conducted with proper respect and, when the Chairman’s not looking, some humour!

A new Councillor will gradually ‘learn the ropes’ and increasingly participate in the work of the Council. Developing as a Councillor takes time, the most important aids being experience and support from others. Additionally you will be asked to attend a training course for new Councillors at which you can learn from experts about Councillors duties and powers, plus many other relevant subjects relating to the operations of a Council. You will make good contacts at these training courses.

You will also be supported by a full-time Parish Clerk and the facilities of a dedicated Parish Office. The Clerk will be able to assist you in understanding the ‘minefield’ of organisation structures within which the Parish Council operates, and help you interpret the large amount of paper that flows in and out.

As well as attending monthly Council meetings in the evening (except in August), you will be asked in due course to suggest your preferences for serving on some of the Council’s Committees and Sub-Committees. Their work reflects the wide spectrum of the real work that the Council undertakes, such as planning applications, maintenance of the Parish environment, finance and administration matters, Parish Plan strategy and Council policy.

Parish Councils are becoming increasingly involved and consulted in the delivery of local services and Maresfield Parish Council is one of the most active Councils in East Sussex. Here there is an interesting arena for the development of you ideas and enthusiasm to the real benefit of Parishioners.

Please contact the Parish Office to speak with the Clerk for more information

01825 714555.