The Parish Council is considering a project to reorganise the car parking arrangements for users of Maresfield Recreation Ground.

The main feature of the scheme will be to lay a track on the recreation ground to enable the existing car parking spaces, bordering Park Farm Lane, to be accessed from this track rather than from the private Park Farm Lane.  Other options were fully explored.

In addition, the car parking area adjacent to the School Hill boundary will be properly set out and slightly enlarged.

There will be no damage to mature trees or their roots although some of the small saplings will be relocated elsewhere on the recreation ground.

Just a reminder that you may park at the Recreation Ground, as before, if you are actually using the Recreation Ground (including the Pavilion and children’s play area). Access over Park Farm Lane to park for other reasons such as shopping or school drop off is not permitted by the owners of Park Farm Lane.

A plan of the proposal, which is not yet final, can be viewed by selecting the following link:

Plan of proposed new parking scheme for Maresfield Recreation Ground

The gates indicated in the plan are not now part of the scheme.

The Clerk would welcome any comments you may have on this matter.  or  01825 714555